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Building a White-Label App: Advantages and Challenges

Manpreet Kour

You have two options: build an app from scratch (custom app development) or use a ready-made platform (white-label mobile app development).While the idea of a ready-to-use and deploy framework sounds appealing and cost-effective, it is not without flaws. And, more often than not, the issues associated with White Label Solutions are too significant to ignore.This article will investigate the concept of White Label Apps and demonstrate why they are not as business-friendly as they appear.Here we go –

  • What is a White Label App?

In the broadest sense, a white-label app is developed by Company A and then sold to Companies B, C, and D for branding and use.White-label app development aims to create a product that multiple companies can use as-is with minimal customization.White-label software development is popular among startups looking for a quick way to enter the mobile domain at a low investment cost.Want to learn about the pros, and cons of white-label app development? This guide will help you learn about the advantages and disadvantages of white-label app development.

White Label App
  • White Label App Examples

You are aware of what white-label apps are. Thus, before reading the examples, you should be aware that the app's manufacturer or developer organizes the sales process without incurring any marketing costs, and vendors or merchandisers create their product brands or services without producing them. A genuine model is the Great Value staple goods in Walmart stores, made exclusively for this corporate chain store by third-party organizations.In programming, developing products, for example, implies high complexity, high risks, and high costs combined with exceptionally hazy outcomes. That is why the white-label model works so well in these situations. For example, a product advancement organization may have developed a niche analytical system. A research white-label app development agency working in that specialty may benefit from purchasing the framework, branding it, and offering its customers useful reports created in the framework.

  • Level Up

LevelUp began as a mobile payment/loyalty program mobile application. The application was originally intended for individuals to use as a form of payment at small quick-serve cafés. Still, it has now moved into the website and application development space. LevelUp created the mobile app and online payment gateway for cafés and restaurants like Sweetgreen, Pret A Manger, and Zaxby's. Because most restaurants cannot build and develop their website or mobile application, utilizing a white-label item is a great option.

  • Stream LXP

Stream LXP, formerly Curatr LXP, is a fully customizable eLearning SaaS platform. Stream LXP is a social learning program developed by the team at HT2 Labs, a Learning Pool organization. It allows license holders to brand the platform with their unique look and feel and transfer the organization's explicit learning content. It can also be authorized and then exchanged with a third party. The entire stage can be upgraded to accommodate your image's look and feel, but the genuine content used in the stage can be curated from your assets.

  • How are White Label Mobile Apps Developed?

White-label app development can be accomplished in two ways. White-label web applications can be created in the following locations:

  1. White-label mobile app builders reuse the backend code but change the frontend code to make the app look unique.
  2. The second is when an app is created with a fixed set of features and then sold to A, B, and C companies with the ability to add or edit features. This is mostly used by businesses that use a Software-as-a-Service model.
  • How Different are White Label Solutions from Custom Apps?

Let's compare White Label App Development to Custom App Development. Several factors distinguish between a custom app and a white-label mobile app platform.Here are the key differences between white-label mobile apps and custom app development, as explained in detail.

  • Level of Customization

When you invest in white-label services and solutions apps as a business, you do so with the understanding that it was not specifically designed and developed for you. It was created following the features of a mobile app that is currently available in app stores.Because you are purchasing a ready-made solution, the chances of you incorporating elements that are a reflection of your brand are very low unless you look into the best optimal mobile app development checklist, potential pitfalls and challenges to deal with, and other such factors.When you invest in a Custom App, on the other hand, your chances of receiving an app that is developed exactly to your specifications increase dramatically. When you invest in custom app development, you get an app with the set of features you desire represented as you desired.

  • Design Uniqueness

The most common reason for Apple's rejection of White Label solutions was that the apps coming in from one vendor looked the same. Except for 20% of brand elements, there was little difference in design and flow.The lack of freedom to create one's design is the number one element that White Label Solution lacks, and it is also the leading cause of store rejections.With White Label, you must always compromise with the vendor's design for you, with little to no indication of your unique idea.New to the design world? Our UI design agency will help you turn your ideas into eye-catching designs.

Design Uniqueness
  • Cost & Resource Factor

Because you are purchasing a ready-made solution that was not created specifically for you, White Label mobile app development costs significantly less than that Custom App development.Furthermore, because development efforts are focused on a suite of projects rather than a single project, you can save money on resources.Want to get the idea of a white-label mobile app development budget? This app cost calculator is here to help you.

  • Scalability

When you invest in White label app services, you purchase an app designed for a specific platform or device. When you decide to expand the app to another device or another OS version, you will have to either wait for the vendor to make it scalable or contact a mobile app development company to create an app similar to the white label app for your preferred list of devices or operating system versions.

  • Maintenance and Sustainability

Because White mark applications are designed by reusing existing application code, there is less risk of bugs and mistakes in the code. Furthermore, the code has already been tried and tested in the application business, indicating that the application development code is long-lasting.However, there is a higher risk of bugs and defects in the application code when investigating Custom mobile application improvement. Custom mobile app development service providers must test each component of your application whenever another element is added or an existing one is modified to record the results and thus guarantee better results.

  • Security

You modify a ready-made mobile app in the case of White label business apps. As a result, there is less scope for identifying bugs and errors and modifying your app code.You modify a ready-made mobile application due to white-label application development. As a result, there is less scope for identifying bugs and errors and modifying your application code accordingly.However, this is not the case with custom application development. You create a mobile application from the ground up, with complete control over what code to write, how to test and change it, and so on. Or, to put it another way, you have more opportunities to improve the performance and security of your application, which is one of the reasons one should opt for custom mobile application development.Worried about the security of your white-label mobile app development? This guide will help you ask important questions to your app developer about app security.

  • What Service Do We Offer at Applify?

Applify’s Mobile App Development Services suite is focused on Custom App Development.We believe in creating apps from the ground up. We handle everything from ideation to deployment after thoroughly understanding the specific business requirements that vary from project to project.We recognize some legitimate white-label app development advantages, such as lower white-label app development costs, shorter time to market, and fewer maintenance efforts. However, we prioritize app quality and brand voice, which leads us to select Custom App Development as our suite of services.There are several reasons why we are Custom Mobile App Development Evangelists –

  • Intact Brand Image

Even if your app falls into the same category as hundreds of other similar apps in the stores, what distinguishes it from the rest is that it reflects your idea. This is true even if you provide the same features as the other apps in the domain.When you invest in a white-label service and solution, you forego the opportunity to create an app that serves as an extension of your brand.

  • Real-Time Update

When you have complete control over the app development process from start to finish, you don't need to rely on a vendor to change the app design and framework.With custom app development, we give our clients the option of extending their app to other platforms or adding and removing features based on what they believe will best represent their idea.

  • The Power to Decide your Tech Stack

Finally, the most important benefit of Custom App Development is choosing the technology stack on which your mobile app will be built. Knowing what tech stack to use is the key to creating a stable and scalable mobile app.White-label development does not give you much leeway in selecting the mobile app technologies that best suit your business needs.Now that you've seen both sides choose white-label app development only if you're on a tight budget; otherwise, go with custom app development for long-term stability.Can't decide which tech stack will be suitable for your mobile app project? This native vs hybrid vs cross-platform guide can help you choose the platform.

What’s The Plan?

Both white-label and custom solutions have benefits and drawbacks. As a result, it is critical to choose your development partner wisely, as the quality of the code will be determined by the company's reputation. The significance of white-label app development stems from selecting a good strategy to make things work and considering the best option before the hammer falls.Are you ready for this shift? If you believe you are ready to implement changes in your app or ideas, contact Applify, a clutch-rated and reliable company dealing with the UK’s mobile app development company.

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