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5 Ways Branding can Magically Boost Your App Traffic

Nishant Sharma

We live in an era of high-tech gadgets, high-speed internet, branding, marketing, and social media craziness. This is the time when you’ll be considered an outcast if you’re not active online and a laughing stock, if you run a business but don’t own a brand. People’ reaction are:


What we’re trying to say here is that branding is an important part of business these days. If implemented properly, it can increase the value of your product 100 times and make you take it to new heights.

In simple words, branding is everything. How? Let’s check this image:


Here are two cups of coffee, one without any label and other with the label of Starbucks. The price of the first cup $ 1.25 and of the second cup is $ 3.25. Now, the question is:

If both cups have coffee in it, then why is there a huge difference of $ 2.00 ?

Branding folks! Branding!!!

Starbucks is a popular brand, tried and trusted by millions of people. On the other, the first cup is manufactured by some general unknown party, who existence is only known to few!

This example clearly showcases the increase in the value of your product that branding does, giving it a new boost altogether.

As per some interesting stats about brand marketing:

  • 72% of marketers believe that branded content performs better than advertising and those published in magazines
  • 77% B2B marketing leaders believe that branding is important for business growth
  • 64% users feel an emotional connection to a brand
  • Consistent presentation of brands increases revenue by 23% (as mentioned in the earlier example )

No matter which industry you belong to Healthcare, Education, Construction, Media, or Internet technology – brand marketing has become indispensable for any business today.

Even in promotion of your mobile app, brand has taken a front seat. Our mobile app development and marketing experts in Oman says that it can help in bringing 10 times more traffic. All you need to do is implement a foolproof strategy and take some calculated decisions.

Some of the ways of indulging in it while promoting your app are:

  1. Design a Logo that Stands Apart

Logos are important. Without a logo, your business has no recognition. Somewhat the reaction of people will be on the lines of Godfather.


Create a logo that defines you. Give others a reason to think why they should choose you over others.

  1. Write Good Things about Your App

Having a logo alone ain’t enough. You need to consistently build your reputation by writing good things about your app by penning down in the form of articles, testimonials, reviews and roundups, etc.

  1. Interact with Influencers

Influencers are powerful people who have millions of followers on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Lets talk about this guy.


His name is PewDiePie, one of the most popular YouTuber at present. He has whooping 58 Million subscribers! So, if taken an initiative to approach him for promoting an app or a game, there’s a chance that 58 Million people will be interested in checking your product. Also, if it holds good potential and has its own USP, then it will definitely stand a chance to reach more people.

Therefore, communicate and build good relations.

  1. Promote Your App on Social Media

Social Media has emerged as a powerful marketing tool to promote apps for free with minimal efforts involved. Also, there are options to boost these promotions for affordable rates.

So, take the plunge, boost and see the magic that happens.

  1. Participate in Contests, Events, Forums, and Discussions

Not only it helps people to know more about your app, but also gives an insight on how to improve and make it better. Active participation here is a must!

Waiting for the moment of truth?

Within a month or two, you’ll realise that there’s a significant increase in the number of users visiting your app and the number of downloads only gets doubled.  An investment that wont go waste.

So, if you’re thinking...



It’s time to burst the bubble and invest some bucks in the branding of your app to get the job done with less time and cost incurred.

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