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Why Social Media is Essential for the Survival of eCommerce?

Himanshu Pal

Being a millennial, the first thing I do in the morning is to check my phone if an apocalypse began while I was sleeping or if Jesus was on his way back to the Earth. And the night is obviously incomplete without sifting through a series of shopping discounts over a dozen eCommerce sites and apps.

As an avid Facebook and Instagram user, the re-marketing strategies adopted by digital marketplaces and stores though suck the blood out of my nerves by stalking me on every social channel, it is clearly diversifying the role social media plays in changing the face of eCommerce.

Needless to say, e-commerce has become deeply rooted in our daily routine; and it wouldn’t be wrong if I say that the social media has a lot to do with it.

After moving toward mobile app development, businesses are completely in love with using social media as the first preferred means to reach out to all potential customers to engage with. Having started with launching web-based storefronts, eventually moving toward getting an app made by a reputed app development company (in London, India or USA primarily) businesses are now using social media as a link embracing both, within the direct control of the firm.

Here are some insights to the transition the industry has gone through.

Retail to Virtual Selling

Vendors have taken the big leap from stores of brick and mortar to creating a digital marketplace. The battle for survival hasn’t been easy though- since it required users paying hard earned money to a virtual cashier. Plus, the additional effort required to integrate other aspects like communication, transportation, delivery and logistics. While some businesses have suitably played and are booming, there are others who are still sprouting.

Shopping driven via Social Media-

The AIDA Approach of marketing (Awareness-Interest-Desire-Action), initially guided how marketers reached their relevant users. However, along with email newsletters, social media has now become the most dominant means. The shoppers witness a vast arena of available options flitting through Tweets, Facebook Ads, YouTube Reviews; and finally landing on the retailers page to buy the product. According to research, eCommerce has grown at a five times faster pace than that of traditional retailing since the business owners reach to the prospective buyers directly.

There are however multiple other features that add to why social media is the key player in changing the face of eCommerce over these years-

Same-day delivery, is one of those!

In the constant battling against competition, it is about the survival of either the fittest or fastest. Coming to sales, the question is that of a fierce world domination. Titans of e-Commerce like Flipkart and Amazon introduced same day delivery options- whilst new and extremely innovative means are coming out each day. For deals that fall under such offers, social media spreads the word like wildfire, thus boosting sales massively.

Delivery services have also led to expansion in the courier services globally, expansion owing to eCommerce, yet again.

While a lot of buyers are concerned with the cost of shipping, eCommerce stores themselves advocate to users what they need the same day and what they don’t; thus not dropping the towel to the hurdles.

About the near future-

Back to a couple years ago- did you think you could be asking for salon services at home with just a few clicks? That’s what UrbanClap did. Want a new bed? Get it while you’re still in the old one from WayFair!

And with that pace, it isn’t long when social sites will take users shopping straightaway! Amazon allows you share a product you like over chat; a careful and strategic integration of eCommerce with social media. Social media, thus, becoming a conversion board for both buyers and sellers aboard. Limeroad is a stunning example that combines social interaction and shopping, working like your shopping companion against the fashion police; answering all your yays and nays. Paid social media marketing is on the pathway of leaders like Twitter and Facebook to setting foot in the game, themselves asking potential buyers to reach to vendors.

Closing words-

The users are in the driving seat and the intervention of social media acts like a catalyst to get eCommerce stores soaring higher. Businesses not using social media are sure to be lost in the clutter, since eCommerce connects technology to human value. Those doing it now, are certain to rule from the zenith of social media marketing.

The face of eCommerce has certainly changed massively since the intervening of social media. 

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