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5 Things you wish you knew about App Onboarding

Siddharth Arora

App onboarding is just like the first date.

Make a bad first impression and both will be over in 5-minutes.

Actually, for apps, it’s only 20-seconds.

When I read these lines in a blog on Invisionapp, I couldn’t help but agree.

First impression matters in both the cases. You fail to create a good first impression and the other person will leave and choose someone else.

Now, the question is:

How to create a positive first impression on a user?

For this, first, you need to be aware of a few important aspects that you’re yet unaware of.

So, brace yourself, as we reveal:

App onboarding secrets no one told you about

1. First 20-seconds play a crucial part in app onboarding

It has been found in studies that there is an initial time period of 20-seconds in any onboarding process that decides if a first-time user is going to be impressed or not.

If an app is able to keep users hooked for this time window, they’re going to stay. Otherwise, there is a chance that he will abandon and delete it.

2. You get things but when you ask at the right time

I had written a blog a few months back in which I revealed that users find it annoying when developers keep asking for feedback within the app.

Google had even put a limit on the number of times developers could prompt a user for feedback.

Now, where does the problem lie?

The problem lies in the fact that developers often fail to understand when they should ask for feedback and when they shouldn’t.

Put yourself in the user’s shoes and imagine that you have just finished the onboarding process and a feedback pop-up appears in front of you.

Wouldn’t you get annoyed?

So, make sure you ask for the feedback at the right time. They should feel better after giving it not annoyed.

3. Users are really impatient

That’s true. We live in the time when everything happens fast-forward. We cover a thousand miles in just a few hours, food gets ready in 2 minutes, and we have apps that get things done in a few seconds.

So, do you think users will wait for you to complete the onboarding process first and then use the app?

They will not. Instead, they might get annoyed and leave your app.

Hence, progressive onboarding is a reliable approach within an app. Just tell users the things they need to get started with and tell rest, as they progress forward.

4. Most users don’t even try to sign in

Most apps require users to register with their phone or email before using.

But we all know what happens after that.

Email gets flooded with unwanted emails and we start receiving annoying messages.

Perhaps, that’s the reason most users prefer apps that can work without signing up.

App developers in Singapore and all over the world have started realizing this. Hence, they’re offering users the chance to use the app without registering. Popular app Swiggy is the most prime example.

5. Knowing your customers can help create a good impression on them

You can only create a good impression on someone if you know what they like and what they don’t.

Hence, before app onboarding, it’s always advised to do thorough research on the audience, their preferences, and things they hate.

Now that you’ve held off most crucial app onboarding tips, it’s time to implement them practically and benefit from them.

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