
2022 Technology Trends to Look Out For

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Nishant Sharma
May 20, 2022
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The latest technology trends have been inspired by advancements in hardware and software development, data analysis requirements, security concerns, medical emergencies, sustainability, privacy concerns, connectivity, and communication.

The unexpected shift to remote and hybrid working has also fueled some technological progress.

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Continue reading to learn about the top ten tech trends to watch this year.

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  • AI-Powered Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks, email phishing scams, and ransomware are on the rise, forcing cybersecurity firms to look for technological solutions to address the vulnerabilities. Criminals are hacking into individual accounts, critical infrastructure in countries, and businesses of all sizes, causing millions of dollars in losses.

In response to the COVID-19 virus, workplace digitization and remote working made it a priority to retrain employees on online safety to reduce data breaches and losses.

Businesses are also implementing new cybersecurity technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), to monitor and protect networks from hackers in real-time rather than responding to the threat after the damage has already been done. Furthermore, cloud storage providers provide end-to-end encryption for online data storage and data transfers.

  • 5G Technology Adoption

According to Statista Research's Ericsson Mobility Report, 5G technology subscriptions will surpass one billion.

While 4G brought significant improvements, such as smooth video streaming, 5G has 100 times the speed, which means that uploads, downloads, data transfers, and streams will be much faster.

The Internet of Things (IoT), which involves internet-powered smart devices linking and operating together, will benefit from 5G. Unlike 4G, many devices can connect to the 5G network without experiencing significant slowing, latency, or reliability. This is due to the network-slicing feature, which generates independent networks with different services for each device.

Furthermore, while 4G mobile networks struggle to maintain connectivity in congested areas, 5G can transmit radio waves to up to one million devices per square kilometer.

  • Internet of Behaviors (IoB)

Service providers collect a large amount of customer data via IoT devices in the home. Businesses are determining the value of data in what is now known as the Internet of Behaviors by using analytics and big data techniques (IoB).

Businesses can personalize their services, market their products, and improve a customer's experience with the company by reviewing this customer information.

While personalized solutions are important, companies must convince users to share personal data to develop these solutions.

Customers are also hesitant to risk their privacy in exchange for valuable services due to website hacking and other cybersecurity challenges. For businesses' data analysis needs, a new approach to data collection will be critical.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence is one of the world's fastest-evolving technologies. Its widespread use reflects its potential to provide solutions in various industries, including health, security, education, logistics, and information technology.

Navigation apps, for example, use AI to guide drivers through various locations. In contrast, machine learning technology ranks online search results and predicts what a user looks for by making suggestions.

Other applications for AI include manufacturing automation, guiding self-driving cars, and acting as intelligent online assistants like Siri or Google.

Furthermore, AI assists with airline and hotel reservations. However, its most powerful capability is analyzing large amounts of data and producing reports that organizations can use to develop strategies and solutions.

  • Metaverse

Facebook's name change to Meta highlighted the metaverse, described as the next evolution in social connectivity.

The metaverse is a three-dimensional virtual space where people can log in as avatars to socialize, work, shop, collaborate or play games.

Companies are investing in cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to bring the metaverse to life (AR). VR headsets, for example, allow people to explore and immerse themselves in digital worlds while also sharing their experiences.

According to MetaMetric Solutions, Metaverse real estate sales reached $501 million last year and surpassed $85 million this year. Thanks to blockchain technology, people can now own virtual assets and even make in-game purchases.

  • Blockchain Technology

After years of uncertainty, blockchain development company UK is now establishing itself as a viable solution to many technological problems.

Blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that powers cryptocurrencies, digital payment systems, encryption technology, and blockchain gaming. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)—blockchain data units that are not interchangeable—are increasingly used by content creators to create digital work, sell it online, and earn cryptocurrencies.

The ledger feature of blockchain makes the technology applicable for storing medical data and other personal records, protecting copyrights, listing title deed owners, tracking digital transactions, trading in NFT marketplaces, and monitoring supply chains.

  • Educational Technology (edtech)

The global school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic harmed the educational sector and disrupted classroom learning for billions of students.

Companies specializing in educational technology (ed-tech) have emerged to provide solutions by developing digital platforms for remote learning. Investments in the e-learning industry are increasing as new startups develop online education software and video conferencing technologies to connect students to teachers and courses.

Gamifying the experience can make online classes more enjoyable and engaging. Integrating AI into teaching platforms personalizes the curriculum, tracks students' learning styles, generates progress reports, and automates grading.

Furthermore, AI streamlines the curriculum-creation process by reviewing available educational content and highlighting what should be included in the lessons.

  • Collaborative Technologies

The COVID-19 safety guidelines prohibited office workers from returning to work. As a result, businesses shifted to remote working, re-creating office settings, employee engagement, and workflows through collaborative technologies.

Companies that create collaborative tools went back to the drawing board, improving their services to meet the unexpected and new demand for shared online workspaces.

Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams are the most widely used collaborative technologies. For their digital workspaces, both provide proprietary project management apps, third-party integrated apps, messaging apps, voice calling, and video conferencing tools.

The primary advantages of collaborative technologies are document synchronization and real-time employee communication, which ensures that work is completed efficiently.

  • Telehealth

Another consequence of the pandemic has been increased investment in telehealth services, including remote monitoring, diagnostics, evaluations, and doctor-patient consultations. People experiencing mental health issues can also seek guidance and support from online counselors.

Innovative telecare health monitoring devices track lifestyle changes and internal body states, predicting potential health emergencies like heart conditions. Telemedicine and surgical robots are two other technologies that improve contactless patient interactions.

Machine learning algorithms are also being used in the field of telemedicine. The AI can scan data to determine which patients should be enrolled in telehealth programs and send alerts when a patient's health metrics exceed a predefined threshold. As a result, doctors can exert greater control over their patients' day-to-day care.

  • Conclusion

In the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted technological advancements. People are more concerned with improving healthcare and treatment access, increasing e-commerce and digital payments, and improving online security. Furthermore, environmental protection and encouraging the use of sustainable technologies bode well for the planet's future.

Educational and collaborative technologies will continue to change how we learn and work, and AI may aid in determining the best course of action. Simultaneously, we must balance developing new technologies and regulating them to protect privacy and security.

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