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Top Emerging Technologies to Consider for your Enterprise in 2021

Pankaj Chauhan

The 2000s have seen innumerable advancements in the field of technology. So much so that calling it a digital revolution won’t be an exaggeration. Every year we see a new emerging technology that is all set to take over the world. And this will only increase with time.

Fast forward to the present. We are amid a global pandemic crisis. All these ups and downs throughout the years have had a great impact on our choices as consumers. So we should anticipate that the changes in consumer preferences will most definitely outlast the ongoing crisis.

As technology is an integral part of everyone’s life today in 2021, it is very important for any enterprise to keep up with the in-demand and popular technology trends. Especially if you are in or closely related to the IT industry. These trends will help you grow your enterprise and align it with your consumers.

Technology Trends Dominating 2021

Technology Trends That Will Dominate 2021 and Years Beyond

Following are some of the emerging technology trends in 2021 that are here to stay for a long time.

1. Extended Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two really popular and fancy technologies. While augmented reality uses the real-world setting, virtual reality is completely computer-generated. Although the two are completely different from each other, talking about one without the other feels incomplete.

So when these technologies are combined together along with mixed reality, they give birth to extended reality or XR. The technology derives its name from the concept of extending the reality we experience.

Today both AR and VR can be integrated into a number of operations by several different industries. In healthcare, VR can be used for eye examinations. Several retail companies have been investing in providing their customers a VR shopping experience.

VR has also the potential to completely change online gaming experiences. We have also seen the record-breaking success of the AR-based game Pokemon Go. Apart from that, we can see AR being already in use from weather broadcasts to sports events. AR has taken over a large part of our daily TV.

It is perfectly suited for any kind of application that needs to bring certain subjects to life for the general public. The XR has great hope in a number of industries and if used strategically, it can give your business the push it needs.

2. 5G Connectivity

Internet connectivity has been a major point of interest for people. It gives them a great experience to surf the internet after all. And we have seen the generations grow into new and powerful ones. 2G was a big deal back in the day.

Then 3G created new use cases for the internet and mobile connectivity by making data-driven services possible and web browsing smooth on smartphones. 4G further exposed us to a seamless video streaming experience.

Now adding to the queue is the much-awaited and another emerging technology - 5G, that will open the doors of new possibilities. With a record-breaking speed, 5G can do wonders and completely change the AR and VR experiences.

Additionally, 5G can open a doorway to immense possibilities for businesses. For example, enterprise networks can now host a large number of devices in their IT infrastructure. Also, with a speed as high as 5G, there won’t be any network issues while moving significant amounts of data.

Apart from that 5G offers lower latency. As latency is a particularly important factor for businesses relating to the Internet of Things marketplace, 5G can be used to significantly improve the functionality as well as the safety of IoT devices.

This is enough evidence that 5G is a great way to boost your business in 2021.

3. Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM) can be defined as a framework of business processes, policies, and technologies that expedite the management of digital identities. In the IT industry, it can be used to control user access to critical information within the company.

According to reports, IAM market is expected to reach $24 billion by the year 2025. It is one of the emerging technologies of 2021 as many organizations already depend on it to verify user identities, evaluate access privileges, and provide better overall security to the system.

For any enterprise, there are several devices and resources, and everyone has the access to them. In such cases, complications and mismanagement issues arise very quickly. So there is a strict need for an automated standard management system.

Automating can help you safeguard useful resources while extending operational boundaries beyond traditional systems. This is done by moving all the computation processes to the cloud. Automating IAM systems also allows businesses to operate with more efficiency and decreases the time, cost, and effort that would be required to manually manage access to their networks.

4. Distributed Cloud Computing

The pandemic has completely changed the ways businesses operate. Remote work has become a new normal for businesses and the cloud has been one making it possible. Cloud adoption has spiked exponentially during the pandemic and according to Gartner, cloud will account for 14.2% of global enterprise IT spending in 2024.

And the future of the cloud is distributed cloud computing. A distributed cloud is a cloud computing service that allows enterprises to run public cloud infrastructures and services across multiple locations.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Another emerging technology trend is Artificial Intelligence. Throughout the years we have seen AI share its immense potential with us and yet it is said to be in its initial phase. That means it will keep on emerging for many years before getting into the most advanced mode.

But how can AI help enterprises?

It is just a matter of realizing the value of AI and ML models and the power they hold in the form of engineered performance and smart algorithms.

Through these, enterprises can unlock the next levels of productivity and operational efficiency. Today, AI along with its close friend machine learning (ML) can enable enterprises to identify patterns and anomalies that help organizations make smarter decisions.

AI can help save time and money by automating and optimizing several day-to-day tasks. Enterprise can also make better use of AI and avoid the mistakes that are made by humans. AI insights can be used to know customer requirements and preferences and companies can offer a much better user experience.

Last but not the least, AI can greatly help in identifying sales opportunities leading to an increased ROI. So if you had been thinking of adopting AI for your business, now is the time.

6. Anywhere Operations

Anywhere Operations is an emerging technology trend that is here to stay. After the pandemic hit us in 2020, almost all the organizations started working remotely. This lead to people being engrossed in their comfort zone and were reluctant to get back to offices due to the fear of the pandemic.

This lead to the development of a sustainable model where people could perform Anywhere Operations. In layman’s terms Anywhere Operations refers to an IT model in an organization that is used to deliver customer support, virtual employee access, employee support, and even product deployment from anywhere.

Anywhere Operations has given enterprise a digital-first approach. This emerging technology trend has paved way for a digital revolution in the year 2021. So in order to carry seamlessly operations, you have to be completely in sync with new and emerging technologies and innovations.

This is one hot trend that enterprises should follow and implement in their operations. According to Gartner, almost 40% of companies will have implemented anywhere operations to provide an optimized working experience for their employees by the year 2023.

So don’t wait longer. This is the time to work from anywhere and anytime with the same productivity as an office.

7. Cybersecurity

While 2021 gave us innumerable technologies and innovations, it also paved a way for online security breaches. As with great power comes great responsibility, similarly with advanced technologies come greater threats.

With new and emerging technologies, cybersecurity will always be a concern. There is an urgent need for a new approach to IT Security. And hence, Cybersecurity Mesh has been doing the rounds. It can clearly be dubbed as an emerging technology for businesses in 2021.

It is a distributed architectural approach that allows flexible, scalable, and reliable security control. Today cybersecurity should not be ignored. Every enterprise should be upfront with their development team about establishing a Cybersecurity Mesh for their IT project.

Always make sure that all your security needs are well taken care of. Security has to be a dominant factor for any enterprise and will always maintain a top spot in the priority list until the security breaches become rare or extinct.


Technology is a great tool for the upliftment of any business and enterprise. Today if you own any business, you just cannot afford to skip the latest technologies. These emerging technology trends can help boost your business to a great amount. 

Which emerging technology trend according to you will be the next big thing? Let us know in the comments below.

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