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Started your Own Business? These Quotes will Motivate you

Nishant Sharma

Many people fancy starting their own business. For them, it is a golden card to endless money, an enormous amount of power, and a luxurious lifestyle.

Although, becoming an entrepreneur isn’t as easy as it seems. It’s filled with countless obstacles.

There are times when you don’t even have enough money to pay the salary of your employees, your relatives make fun of your decision, your frustration level reaches on peak because you don’t get any clients, and the following though crosses your mind again and again:

Entrepreneurship is not my cup of tea. I should do the job again.

It’s during these times when you’ll need something that can motivate you, pull you through these hard times, and guide you on the correct path.

From Applify’s experience as a startup, I can tell that nothing can guide you better than the experiences of those who’re already successful. Perhaps, these teachings are the major reason that we’ve established ourselves as a leading app development firm in Singapore and worldwide.

I want you to learn from our experience and excel in your field. That’s why I am sharing a collection of quotes from people who made it big. So, bundle up:

1. Value yourself. Rest will follow

Value yourself M.Scott Peck

2. There are times when links fail. But relationships always work

Relationship building

3. A piece of advice for all aspiring entrepreneurs


4. Entrepreneurship is all about executing ideas and making them happen

Message to Entrepreneurs

5. In the end success matters, not the efforts

Success matters

6. Even the biggest firms started small

Small Firms

7. It takes a thousand failures to achieve one success

Fail to succeed

8. Happy customers will tell why you're great, unhappy customers will tell where you lack

Unhappy customers, the source of learning

9. A product is never made perfect on the first attempt. It's made first and then made perfect

If you're not embarassed of your product

10. Either you rule or you become a puppet of those who rule. The choice is all yours

Choice is all yours

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