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How to Use Content to Escalate the Traffic on Your App?

Siddharth Arora

Content is King!

When Bill Gates wrote this essay back in 1996, he made a prediction that left everyone surprised:

“Content will rule the IT industry in future, offering endless possibilities.”

People wondered:

Why would a visionary like Bill make such a prophecy?

Their concern was completely justified. No one was familiar with the content at that time. Internet was in its early stage. Media’s only mode of communication were newspaper, radio, and TV. People used to maintain diaries or contribute in newspaper editorials for expressing views.

However, today we are all witnesses to the above mentioned statement that stands very true, since content marketing is ruling everywhere! Be it construction, healthcare, media, or information technology – content has become an indispensable part of every business.

Here are some interesting stats:

Content Marketing Stats

It reveals the revenue generated by Content marketing industry, which is expected to cross $300 billion mark in 2019. Also, throwing light on the fact that it will become one of the most profitable fields in the near future.

Mobile App industry is nowhere behind in realising its significance especially while driving traffic to your app. According to our app development and marketing experts in Dubai, content can be one of the best ways to promote an app and reach the maximum audience. You just need to be aware of few content marketing tactics that can help in bringing desirable results.

Creating High Value Content

This is the very first step towards using  content marketing for app promotion. Write a lot of good stuff about your app on the web. Create high-quality blog posts. Tell users why your app is the best! - the one which serves all their purpose.

Good quality content can certainly help you convincing them up to a great extent.

Submitting App for Roundups and Reviews

Creating good quality content is not enough if your blog is not that famous. Sometimes, it takes years to create a decent user base. In such a scenario, submitting an app for roundups and reviews comes around as best option. Doing so has the following significant advantages:

  • You app gets the necessary exposure and people start recognising your work.
  • You get to know about the weak areas to work on in order to make your app better    
  • People trust an app more if it has been featured on a popular blog    

So, ensure that apart from creating valuable content, you’re also submitting it for round-ups and reviews.

Important Note: At times, people feel hopeless. As a result, they start getting their app reviewed from friends and family members. Don’t commit this mistake. These reviews will not help you at all.

Promoting the App on Social Media

Social media is one of the most significant advantages we have over old generation. It is so easy today to promote and go viral. So, why don’t we use it to our benefit by indulging in some good quality content mentioning our app? Not only this will increase your credibility but will also help in creating more and more awareness about your app.

What to Take Away from the Post?

Over last 2 decades, content marketing has emerged as a powerful tool and if implemented carefully, can magically boost your app’s traffic. It is definitely here to stay!

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