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How to Ensure that Users Keep Coming Back to Your App?

Himanshu Pal

Bringing users on an app is hard. Although, keeping them hooked and ensuring that they don’t leave is harder.

You will be surprised to know that over 90% users abandon an app within 1 month of installation. This means if 100 users are installing your app. There’s a strong probability that only 10 will remain at the end of the month.

And no feeling is worse than losing users that you earned with so many efforts.

Having said that, you’ve to figure out how to prevent these users from abandoning your app.

But how?

By following some really effective tips that I am going to share in this post. These tips have been used by app development firms in UAE, UK, US, and all over the world since years to increase retention rates of their apps. You can also benefit from them.

Although, first you need to know:

What is the retention rate of an app and why does it matter?

Retention rate is the number of users that come back to your app after installing it.

As I talked about it in the article on app success metrics, high retention rates of your app show that it’s engaging enough to have them keep coming. This is one of the major factors to decide if the app is successful or not.

How to increase user retention on your app?1. Keep them engagedUsers are on your app as long as you can keep them occupied. The moment this engagement vanishes, they will also abandon.

So, you’ll have to keep the engagement level going with interesting elements and interactive guidance.

2. Make the user experience interestingAs mentioned in the previous point, you’ll have to keep the user engaged to increase the user retention of your app.

Now the question is:How to make the user experience more interesting?

For this, you’ll have to research what elements does your audience likes or dislikes and use those elements accordingly.

Do you know some users also make purchasing decisions on the basis of colors. You might want to consider that as well.

3. Consider Deep linkingDeep linking is one of the finest link-building strategies, no matter if it’s used in an app or a website. Using it will definitely keep users engaged and ensure that they stay for long. Hence, you must use it in your app.

4. Keep reminding users of your app via in-app messages and push notificationsEven if an app is popular, a user will forget about it if he/she doesn’t use it for a while. It’s you who has to continuously remind him/her to use the app via messages and push notifications.

Most app creators understand the fact very well. Hence, they keep in touch with users via notifications and push-up messages. You must also consider that.

5. Ask for feedbackYou will never get to know what’s wrong with your app unless you ask for user feedback. So, don’t forget to prompt the user for feedback from time to time.

Although, make sure that your app feedback popups don’t annoy users. Afterall user experience matters the most.

6. Make sure bugs are resolved in timeUnsolved bugs only result in poor user experience and users abandoning the app. Hence, make sure all the issues in the app are resolved on time and users don’t face any difficulty using it.

For this, keep releasing updates in a while.

Our VerdictApp development experts in the UK have been using these strategies to increase the retention rate of their apps since decades. They have always achieved great results.

Perhaps, the next turn is yours. So, use these tips and see the results.

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