
How to ask for an app review without sounding too desperate!

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Himanshu Pal
February 15, 2017
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So you’ve made an app and are all set to put it out to the world! A quality app takes a lot of time and effort to make. And if it fails to reflect a degree of quality, it is more than likely that users won’t take the app seriously. Some vitals that secure your chances of quality downloads include reviews, testers and feedback.

And in my understanding of the industry, working both individually and with app development companies, I found, there aren't many app developers who know how to ask for app reviews. They either come out as too desperate or like a salesman who needs to meet his target, which in both cases, users shush away!

To put your mobile app together as a quality product, feedback and reviews are essential!

In this blog, we’ll help you learn the right way to make users review and share your app -

How to get an App Review:

There is absolutely no shortcut to getting people to review your app. However, if done the right way, it only takes a little effort and the right approach - with a result that is priceless!

1. Be specific and pay attention to detail:

Only asking someone to review your app, will almost never get the job done. Be specific and direct. Take on the key features of your app and ask direct questions - for instance, the UI/UX, navigation, marketing, ease of use, quick load time, etc.

Check this out:

Bad Request Good Request

The image on the left marks a very open-ended request while in the second image the developer has clearly stated the specific features of the app. The approach is direct and has value.

2. Use a personalized approach:

If you wish to achieve the best testers, reviewers, and feedback, app development will equally need to be supported by relationship development. Ask someone who you either already know, or have developed a relationship with. The better a person knows you, the more honest review for your app you’ll get.  

3.Deliver a quality app:

Impress the user so he’s naturally compelled to review. Testing your app is a must before you ask someone for a review. Test, test again and then test some more. For serious reviews and feedback, represent a serious product. A high-quality app will have the full potential of gathering organic reviews as well.

4.Request an honest feedback:

Asking a user straight up for a fake review or a 5-star rating may not benefit your app, rather hurt it. When users know that their review will be taken seriously, then keep lying in the reviews section, they are more likely to participate honestly. This is a simple means of status conferral which in return will help you fix glitches that users find, thereby presenting a better app.

5. Add value:

Let’s face it, people are rarely interested in helping you for free. In the above image, the developer clearly says he'd want to know more of the user’s projects as well, thus making it more personal and offering value in return. Chances of such a request converting to a review are way higher than just “appreciating” someone. Also, ask them if the user could refer someone who might be interested in helping as well; taking your app therefore to the next level.

Key Takeaways-

Thousands of mobile users these days are available to beta test, test, review and provide with feedback for your new app. The more the reviews, the better it will look, sound and work.

And the more fun it will be!

The key is to approach with not just seeking for help, but as well offering to; therefore yielding better reviews and feedback than otherwise.

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