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50 Businesses that You Can Start With Your Pocket Money

Himanshu Pal

Many people dream of becoming rich by starting their own business. However, only a few are able to realise their dreams. The reason behind this is very simple. Opening a business ain’t that easy as it seems! You require a certain fund for investment at the initial stage to begin with. So, does that mean we should give up on our dreams of opening a startup and focus on earning money with our regular job?

No, you should focus on ideas that can become a sure success with a little investment. In this post, I am sharing a list of such businesses that you can start with without burning a big hole in your pocket.

  1. Blogging

This is the best business to start with. All you have to do is to write content that people find compelling and worthy enough to read. Once you’ve secured a decent user base, you can monetize it and begin your earning.

  1. Babysitting

Many working-class people hire babysitters to take care of their toddlers. You can also indulge in babysitting services.

  1. Pet Sitting

If you love pets, you can offer pet sitting services and earn a decent income by taking care of them.

  1. House-cleaning

Millions of people hire people to clean their houses. You can start offering services to these people and earn a decent amount of money.

  1. Auto-cleaning Services

Similar to house-cleaning, you can also start offering auto-cleaning services. You just need to have strong observation skills and a knack for keeping vehicles clean and tidy.

  1. Rent Accommodations

Do you have any vacant room in your house? Rent it out to earn a decent earning.

  1. Buy and Resell Things on eBay

If you’re looking for a simple business, you can try buying and re-selling things online. Many platforms like eBay offer such services. The profit is also great.

  1. Dog walking

If you love taking long walks, you can start offering dog walking services. All you have to do is to take dog of any client out for a stroll.

  1. Snowplowing

Winter is here! There will be a lot of snow on roads. So, you can start offering snowplowing services. Just attach a plow with your car or motorbike and help clearing the snow from roads.

In case you don’t have a vehicle, you can use a shovel to clear snow on the small level instead.

  1. Social Media Expert

These days the demand for people who can promote brands on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are quite high. You can make a lot of money by becoming a social media expert. The profession is in so much demand that many app development companies in Singapore have started recruiting people to manage their social media handles.

  1. Freelance Writing

Blogging isn’t the only way to earn money. You can also offer freelance writing services on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer – and earn a decent income.

  1. Take Surveys

A plethora of websites let you earn money by taking surveys. This can be a great earning opportunity without making any investment.

  1. Catering

Have a soft corner for cooking food? Then start catering food to parties and functions. You can earn a lot of money as well as praise from people.

  1. Personal Chef

You can become a personal chef by cooking food at households.

  1. Handyman Services

There’s a lot of demand for people who hold expertise in repairing things.

  1. Gardening Services

Have a passion for gardening? Become a gardener and offer your services to maintain gardens of other people.

  1. Proofreading & Editing

You can also earn money by editing and proofreading documents. However, for this – you need to have a great command on grammar.

  1. Slideshow Making

Do you have a knack for making interesting slideshows and presentations? Well, then this is a great opportunity for you. Many platforms allow you to create presentations and pay a handsome some in return.

  1. Senior Citizen Assistance

You can open a service center to assist old citizens and earn a remarkable fortune as well as their blessings.

  1. Computer Troubleshooting

This business idea is well-suited for those who hold expertise in fixing computer-related issues. Become a computer and earn a lot of bucks.

  1. Tuitions

Offering tuitions is one of the most profitable businesses of all time. It requires no investment and the only thing you need is to have teaching skills and good hold on the subject.

  1. Event Coordination

Love hosting and organising parties at home? You can use this passion to start your event management business.

  1. Career Counseling

What’s better than helping young people through their career? However, you need to have a remarkable experience in the industry for this.

  1. YouTube Channel

Create a YouTube channel, post engaging content, secure a decent user base, and begin your journey towards becoming the next billionaire. You don’t even need to invest a penny.

  1. Online Product Selling

In case you’ve a popular blog or a portal, you can begin selling products online. This will earn you great bucks.

  1. Soft Skills Training

You can also become a soft skills trainer and help people better their lives.

  1. Fitness Training

Do you spend your whole day in the gym? In that case, you can become a fitness trainer and help people get in shape. This will also earn you a lot of money.

  1. Pet Grooming

You can also make money by grooming pets and ensuring that they look great.

  1. Translation Service

Do you have command on multiple languages? In that case, you can use your multilingual skills to work as a translator and make a great fortune.

  1. Virtual Assistance

You can become a virtual assistant and start assisting people with the issues they’re facing in daily life. This is a profitable business.

  1. Create an App or a Website

People with great programming skills can create their app or website – and live a luxurious life on the revenue generated. Not only this, there is huge demand for app development experts in markets like Singapore, UK, and Middle East.

  1. Renting Out Vehicles

There are a lot of people who need vehicles but can’t afford them. You can rent your vehicle to them and earn great profit in return.

  1. Social Media Marketing

If you’re an admin of a social media page that’s quite popular or have a decent number of followers – you can begin social media marketing. This is a great way to earn money with minimal investment.

  1. Resume Writing

You can also use your writing skills to create highly interactive resume. A lot of people out there are willing to pay anything to make their resume look impressive. So, why not grab this opportunity.

  1. Bidding

With the rise of the trend of freelancing, the demand for people who can bring new projects in the company has significantly increased. Begin offering online bidding services and earn great bucks.

  1. Prepare eBooks and Tutorials

You can also prepare eBook and tutorial guides and sell them at great price.

  1. Start a Courier Service

If you own a warehouse and a vehicle, you can begin offering courier services. There is a lot of scope in this business.

  1. Scrap Dealing

That’s true. You can earn bucks by selling scrap. All you need is a warehouse where you can store the scrap and the contacts of some factories that can recycle it.

  1. Sell Homemade Things

You can also make money by selling homemade things like cookies, cupcakes, etc.

  1. Share Broker

This business is quite risky. However, done with proper execution and strategy – it can make you rich overnight. You don’t even need to invest a single buck.

  1. Estate Management

Living a luxurious life in a big house and getting paid for it - Who doesn’t want that? A lot of people are hiring estate managers to look after their properties. You can also offer such services.

  1. Mobile Repair Service

Do you hold expertise in repairing smartphones? In that case you can start offering mobile repair services. This business will always be in demand.

  1. Insurance Agency

If you’re good at convincing people, you can become an insurance agent and start selling policies to people.

  1. Plumbing & Fitting

Plumbers and fitters are also in demand these days. Start offering services as the one.

  1. Online Internet Researcher

This business doesn’t require much skills. You just need to have knowledge of Internet. However, the trend is quite in demand. So, you can think about pursuing it.

  1. Become a Broker

A broker acts as a middleman between two business parties and ensures that the deal is successful. You can become a broker and earn hefty commissions from both parties.

  1. Become a Yoga Instructor

Are you a Yoga devotee? Well, if you’re – you can use your passion to earn some fortune. Make video tutorials and push them live on your website or a YouTube channel. You can also begin teaching people about this ancient art.

  1. Recruitment Agency

If you’ve links and are active on platforms like LinkedIn – you can open a recruitment agency and help young people realise their career dreams.

  1. Treasure Hunting

Do you love collecting jewels and precious stones? In that case, you can become a treasure hunter. Not only this job is adventurous, it can also make you rich overnight.

  1. 49. Import Export

You can also import goods from abroad and sell them on high profit. This business will require some investment at first. However, that will get covered in your returns.

  1. Sell Personalized Fashion Items

You can also create personalised items like coffee mug, T-shirts and sell them online.

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