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Importance of Having an App for Your Business Right Now

Himanshu Pal

Why do I need an app for my business?

This is the most common question people ask when we advise them to have an app for their business. We try to convince them in return and explain to them how having an app can benefit their business. Some of them understand easily while others require detailed explanations, stats, and case studies in order to get convinced.

However, there is one thing we have analysed after facing this problem with every business owner we met. They are completely unaware how having an app can shape the future of their business and increase their value. They just think that having a website is enough – and will attract decent traffic. What they don't know is that the trend is changing. People are attracting more towards mobile. So, it's the time we also change with the trend.

In this post, we're sharing a list of reasons – why it's the right time to have an app for your business. It's an important decision. No need for hurry. Just relax, grab some coke and popcorn, read and then decide:

Here's Why Your Business Needs an App

If you're a regular reader of our blog – you might've read about this before. A few weeks back, we had covered an article called 7 Reasons Any Business Needs an App in which we had highlighted some of the major advantages of having an app for your business. This article is the answer to the question.

For those who're new to our blog – we are mentioning these reasons below:

Reason 1: Real Time Communication

Apps offer you a chance to have a real-time communication with your customers. You can notify them about new promotions, events, and discounts anytime via push notifications.

Reason 2: Allow Customers to Interact with Each Other

Apps offer a common platform where your customers can interact with each other. This will help them to come up with more genuine reviews and better feedback. This will ultimately improve your business.

Reason 3: Brand Recognition

An app helps people to get more familiar with your brand. Want to know how? OK let me explain:

At present, 2.6 bn people use smartphones and prefer mobile apps for even the most basic tasks. This means if you have an app for your business – your customer reach will increase. More and more people will start recognizing your brand and you'll eventually get popular.

Take a minute and think about it! It can shape the future of your business.

Reason 4. The Reliability of Your Brand Will Increase

Customer loyalty is not the only thing on which your brand's reliability depends . You also have to look for ways to directly interact with them from time to time. A mobile app will offer an easy way to do so.

Reason 5. Establish Direct Communication with Your Customers

Many customers complaint that their feedback is not heard properly and their issues aren't properly resolved. Also, you might not be able to check each and every complaint individually.

However, having an app effectively solves this problem. Customers can address their problems directly to you and you can check them anytime on your phone and come up with an effective solution.

This will save both your and customer's time!

Reason 6. Helps You Reach Wider Audience

Like I have mentioned earlier, the number of mobile users is increasing day-by-day. This means if you have an app for your business – more people will use it and know about your brand.

Reason 7. Helps You Get an Extra Edge Over Your Competitors

Let me share a secret!

Only a few businesses have an app at present. Now, if you decide to have an app for your business – you'll get an extra edge over your competitors as you can reach a larger audience and offer real-time solutions to your customers.

What Do the Stats Say?

Most of you might be thinking:

Come on! Do you really think we'll get convinced after reading some theories? Where are the stats?

Alright, let us present some stats that will help you understand why it's the right time to have an app for your business – a decision that will shape your future and will place you in the league of top tycoons in the market. Let's begin:

Current Stats

  • 37% website visits come from mobile devices
  • 2.6 mn apps in the market 2.2 mn Android and 2 mn iOS
  • Downloads in 2017 – 269 bn

Downloads in 2016 - 224 bn

  • Revenue Generated 2017 - $77bn

Revenue Generated 2016 - $58 bn

  • In 2017, The sales figures have increased 3x the 2016 figures

Other Interesting Stats

  • 88% of people who search for a business on mobile visit that place in 24hrs
  • 82% users look for shopping suggestions on their phones
  • Every 2nd user uses apps for product and business-related information
  • 2 out of 3 people use apps to simplify their lives
  • There are 2.6 bn smartphone users in the world (80% of total population)

By 2020

  • 80% of mobile data traffic will come from smartphones
  • Mobile commerce is going to make 45% of total e-commerce by 2020 – equaling $284 bn in sales


On the basis of these stats - we can assure you that:

  • Mobiles apps are trending all around the globe. They're getting more and more popular
  • Mobile App development holds great future and a lot of money
  • Given the increasing popularity of mobile apps – more and more businesses will be interested in having apps for their businesses

Now, you have 2 choices!

Either you can go with the flow and ignore what you've read – including the stats you've just come across. After all, why would you invest your money in something in which only a few businesses are showing interest?

However, you know what? You might save your money but you'll lose a chance to outshine your competitors and be the best in the market.

Or you can decide to change the trend and be the part of a new beginning. You have a step that will change the fate of your business. A decision that will change you to a business tycoon from a small business.

So, don't delay anymore and have an app created for your business today. You can contact us at Applify and request a quote. It will be our immense pleasure to help you.

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