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How to Choose the Right Color for Your Mobile App

Himanshu Pal

Do you know that over 90% people make purchasing decisions on the basis of colors?

Be it purchasing a car, a dress, a pair of shoes, or even the furniture of house, the very first thing most people see is color.

If color is good, there will immediately purchase the product without giving a second thought.

But if they don’t like the color, they will not purchase even if it has the best set of features to offer.

Experts call it the psychology of colors and it plays a vital role in your product sale. It applies in every field of business, no matter if you’re manufacturing a car or developing an app.

Having said that it’s important to ensure that you choose right colors to build user engagement in your app and it gets the expected response.

However, before that, it’s important to understand:

How our mind perceives colors?

There are two ways colors influence our thinking:

Symbolized Meaning

It’s the approach in which the interpretation of colors is based on what we were taught, not on the basis of our emotions or experiences.

For example: Black is symbolised as the color of darkness, while white is the symbol of hope.

Referential Meaning

This is the reference of colors we perceive on the basis of our experiences. Their meaning is what we immediately assume when we see these colors.

For example: Many cultures see blue as the symbol of unhappiness. However, you may perceive it as the symbol of happiness, safety, and royalty.

Although, both the ways are not good to decide which colors should be used in an app because if you decide on the basis of symbolised meaning, you’ll only get theoretical guesses. Also, if you do it as per your perception, you’ll possibly lose many people as no two persons have similar thinking.

So, what to do?

Choose on the basis of color association

Different people may perceive colors differently. However, all of them prefer a common thing in a design, i.e. symmetry.

Think about app’s central theme. Think about the message the client wants to convey through his app and then decide the colors on the basis of it.

On the basis of your audience

Always keep users in mind while designing your app because in the end, they’re the ones who will use it. Research what they like, what they don’t, which colors are prohibited in their culture, what certain symbols mean, etc.

It’s also recommended to pick colors on the basis of gender preferences. For example: If an app is targeted at the female audience, it’s better to pick colors that females like. On the other hand, it’s better to choose masculine colors for male-oriented app. This will ensure that your audience forms a connection with your app, which is not possible if the color is not of their choice.

Here is the classification of various colors on the basis of preference by males and females:

Choose colors that stand out

According to isolation effect:

Among various objects in a group, the maximum attention is paid to the one that stands out. Same applies in the case of app designing.

Use sharp colors to highlight important portions. This will ensure that user pays maximum attention to important parts of the app. This will increase the chances of users admiring and using your app.

In a Nutshell

This approach has benefited a lot of app development companies in Oman to create apps that can make a mark. Next person in the list can be you. All you need is to follow the right approach and keep the following lessons in mind that this article teaches:

  • Never choose app colors on the basis of your client alone
  • Do proper market research before you choose the app’s color
  • Don’t forget symmetry
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