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How the Right Branding Can Either Make it or Break it for your App?

Manpreet Kour

The whole world is in a Trauma! Instagram just came up with its new logo and surely enough, we didn't like it at all. Many of us even used some hacks to somehow get back to the old logo. Facebook is full of memes criticizing and mocking this non-understandable move. And what can be more worst than users uploading criticizing memes on Instagram itself. That logo which reminded many of their first camera was transformed into a 2D color filled sketch.

This for sure has become the best example of 'Re-Branding Gone Wrong' in the whole history of corporate world! Logo is just not a visual identity of a company, we as customers have our whole life history attached to that single graphic. Its just not another piece of colored graphic for us. It has got a whole swirl of emotions surrounding it. History has it that a single change in that small logo can either sway you a crowd or repel it away. Branding does matter that much!

Lets take you to a little visual tour! And you will be reminded of the reactions you had made and the noses you had bent for these quirky transformations!

Starting with Google-


From that cute little birdie to an elegant blue bird.Twitter!


From Black and White to engaging some colors! Uber!


YouTube got some blushing!


And this was a welcome move for many!


Whatever be the case, a simple change of a logo has the superpower to do damages or earns, in legions! And not to wonder, branding makes companies spend in legions too! The right branding, the right impression you left with your customer, the memory you created for them, does stay forever. Even Wikipedia puts a 'Brand' like "A brand is defined as a toolbox of marketing and communication methods that helps to distinguish a company from its competitors and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers."

Coming to App-specific branding! Remember the last time you visited the App Store? There were a list of apps to choose from, but you unconsciously went installing the one with a more appealing logo. The one which had a more cooler name! The one with a witty tagline! Ain't it right? Your App logo is the first thing people judge you upon. And that's the simple crisp reason why branding matters so much in the app development world. Hiring the right is going to leave its mark even when you are done up with the development process.

Applify, apart from being an App Development and Design company, provides you with the much needed Branding advice your App requires. Isn't it everything you ever looked up for? We clicked in just at the right place! Visit our company website to get in touch with us-

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