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5 Apps that will Change Your Life for Better

Nishant Sharma

In a world that is ever evolving and changing there are many things to make your life easier or change it for the better but would you believe me if I told you app development is one of those things? Well, more specifically apps. On a daily basis many different apps are released onto the store and they range from games to lifestyle management and there are some that can be life changing and have helped many people since their initial release and I will be sharing some of these with you in this article.

1. Headspace

I first learned about headspace when I earned my certification in a mental health and wellbeing course in 2016 and through the research, I personally did about it I learned that it is an alternative way to manage stress and anxiety through mindfulness and meditation.

Headspace offers a free 10-day trial and the first 10 meditation sessions for free and afterwards, it costs just £3.99 a month that is billed in one annual payment equaling £47.88.

The main focus of Headspace is meditation and mindfulness which has been scientifically proven to reduce stress but not only does it help stress, it helps with everything in between and even with sleep.

Headspace even provides a service for kids!

Personally, my favourite feature of headspace is it has SOS Exercises which are immediate meditation sessions for helping with a breakdown of your mental state.

I have personally used this app throughout the course I took, using it day-to-day and even in work situations where I felt I was under pressure or stress and I feel it helped me a lot but I’m not the only one who says this.

On the store page alone, Headspace has a 4.7 rating with the majority of reviews being positive and has even been recognised by media outlets such as Huffington Post.

2. Linkedin

Okay so we all know the website Linkedin but to my surprise, many people didn’t actually know that Linkedin also had an app.

To put it short, Linkedin is basically an online personal CV but also a way to connect with people in your profession, build professional networks or just keep updated on industry news, it’s basically a professional social media.

One of the more interesting features of Linkedin is you can search for jobs via it and actually apply for them so you can also start your career via here.

The app just makes connecting easier as you don’t have to remember to log into the website to check for notifications or messages, you just receive notifications to your phone when any of these scenarios happen!

3. Companion

Companion is a personal safety app that can be lifesaving in many circumstances or just give you some reassurance if you are walking alone at night in a place that may not necessarily be the safest of areas.

All you have to do is enter your destination and select contacts to be your companion and the awesome part is, they don’t even need to have the app installed to help you out. It keeps your companions continually updated as you make your way to your destination.

If anything should happen including your phone falling to the ground or not making it to your destination on time then you will be given 15 seconds to respond when the app checks in on you and if you don’t your companions will be alerted.

It also includes two features that I think are great which are Emergency and I feel nervous. The emergency mode allows you to dial emergency services with just two taps and connects you to the dispatcher closest to you and automatically provides them with your location.

I feel nervous mode lets you report an area you don’t feel secure in and an officer will check it out and will work to ensure the area is safer in the future.

4. Be My Eyes

The concept is simple if you are blind or visually and struggle to find or do things daily especially if you are independent or live on your own then this app connects you to a random sighted person all over the world who can “be your eyes” for you.

The way the app works is the person who is visually impaired or blind connects to a random volunteer at the click of a button and the software will match you up to anyone in the world who speaks your language and it also factors in time zones so you never disturb anyone.

So far Be My Eyes has been used in situations such as:

  • Finding objects
  • Checking public transport times
  • Resolving technical issues
  • Shopping
  • Describing artwork
  • Checking expiration dates on food items
  • Just for a chat!

There are many possibilities to use this app and the best part is, it is completely free for the user and volunteers! You could make a difference to someone's life just by simply downloading an app and answering the call.

5. Fortify

Fortify is a program designed to help those suffering from sexual addiction, it is available on web and app and has helped many people succeed in their journey to kick the habit and become free of their addiction.

It offers a free service for people between 13-20, a one-time payment of $39 if you are over 20 or you can even just sponsor for the program to be given to a teenager struggling with sexual addiction for free.

Fortify provides in-depth videos based around addiction and providing tools to help you quit, the program also includes a battle tracker so that you can keep track of how much your addiction has an impact and to help you see patterns when it most affects you.

It also has a personal diary so you can write your thoughts and feelings and has follow-up questions to the videos they provide, it even offers battle strategies to help you find ways to make your journey to quit easier.

I personally have friends who suffer from sexual addiction that has used this program and it has been life changing for them, one of my very close friends is actually using the app himself as he struggles with addiction and he feels that it can help him achieve his goals of kicking the habit and has found the program to be amazing already

Whether it's stress relief or addiction based, all of these apps can have a lasting impact and if you find yourself in any situation that these could be beneficial, I highly recommend you try them!

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