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40+ Important Digital Marketing Terms You Must be Aware of

Pankaj Chauhan

Promoting a product is as important as creating it. All the time you invested in research and the resources you used for development will go fruitless if it doesn’t reach the right audience.

App development companies in UAE and around the globe know this very well. As a result, they recruit digital marketing experts who can promote the app on right platforms and bring ample amount of traffic.

There is huge demand of digital marketing in the industry. So, if want to make a career in it, there’s much scope.

Although, the process of climbing the digital marketing ladder is challenging. You can never take a big leap. Instead, you’ve to climb several steps before you reach the top.

We’ll begin with the step 1, i.e. getting familiar with the important digital marketing terms, which will help you get along with the process later on.

Out of these, some are critical app success metrics and some are important processes. You wouldn’t want to skip any of them.

So, without wasting any moment, let’s gear up:

  1. Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of programming instructions that specify how different program modules should interact with each other.

  1. Click Through Rate (CTR)

The ratio of the clicks on your ad compared to the number of impressions, i.e. CTR = No of clicks/ No of impressions

  1. Attribution

The act of identifying a user action that leads to the desired conversion.

  1. Daily Average Users

The average number of users who use your app every day.

  1. Cohort

A group of users who completed a specific action in a specific time.

  1. Monthly Active Users

The average number of users who are actively using your app in a given month.

  1. Cost per Install

The amount an advertiser has to pay on every install.

  1. Lifetime Value

The total amount of revenue app generates in a lifetime.

  1. Conversion rate

Percentage of users that complete your desired goal.

  1. Net Promoters Score

Net promoters score is an app success metric that measures the loyalty of your users.

  1. User Segments

A group of users who share similar interests or profile data.

  1. Time in App

The amount of time that users are spending on an app.

  1. User Sessions

Sessions occur when users open your app and spend time on it.

  1. Screenflow

Details how users navigate through your app, i.e. which screens they visit and in which order.

  1. Events

Actions that a user takes during your app’s session.

  1. Event Attributes

Characteristics of an event detailing more about it.

  1. App Funnels

Sets of events that help you track key behaviour paths and give a better sense of how users interact with your app.

  1. Dimensions

Pieces of session-level data that can be used as filters.

  1. App Reviews

The feedback given by users on your app. App reviews help users decide whether the app is worth their time and data or not.

  1. App Store Optimization (ASO)

The process of improving the ranking and visibility of an app on the app stores so that it reaches more and more users.

  1. App Versions

The new and improved version of an app in which all the issues are resolved.

  1. App Monetisation

The process of making money from an app.

  1. Geotargeting

Targeting users on the basis of their current locations. Helps in sending them relevant messages.

  1. Mobile CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Strategies and tools used to manage interactions with your app’s users. The process is aimed at improving retention and increasing sales.

  1. Cross-platform app

Apps that can be used across multiple operating systems.

  1. Native App

An app that can be used only on a specific operating system.

  1. User behaviour

Details what users think about your app, i.e. whether they like it or not.

  1. In-App Purchases

Purchasing made by users within your app.

  1. Call to Action

A message or instruction that you give to the user in your app for making a conversion. For example: if you want the user to download the new update, the CTA will be Upgrade now.

CTAs can either be a text or a button.

  1. mCommerce

Stands for mobile commerce. Refers to the apps that are focused on influencing users to buy or sell products from their smartphones.

  1. Opt-out

When users turn OFF notifications because they no longer want to hear from you.

  1. Opt-in

When the user gives permission to subscribe for notifications.

  1. Geofencing

The process of using GPS to create a virtual boundary. Used to send users offers or messages on the basis of their preferences.

  1. Banner Ad

An ad displayed at top or bottom of the home page.

  1. Boost/Burst Campaign

An app marketing campaign aimed at reaching a particular rank by driving a large number of installs in less amount of time.

  1. Big Data

A large chunk of user data available online. It is used by marketing experts to target customers through ads.

  1. Click to Call

A type of ad interaction which results in the user making a phone call to the authority that placed the ad.

  1. Incent Traffic

Traffic which is coming from the ads that promise rewards.

  1. Non-incent traffic

Traffic coming from ads that do not contain a reward.

  1. Long tail keywords

Longer or more specific keywords which are most likely to be used by visitors. Two or more than two keywords combine to make a long-tail keyword.

  1. Return on Investment (ROI)

The process of measuring and comparing the returns with the monetary investment.

  1. Retargeting

The process of targeting those users through ads who’re interested in the purchase but couldn’t do so due to some reasons.

  1. Screenshots

The visual of your app. These are used in app store pages.

  1. User Experience

An app success metric that details how the user feels while using your app.

  1. User Interface

Parts of an app in terms of design that decide how the user experience is.

  1. Visibility

Details how much popular your app is in the app stores.

That’s all we have in the collection of popular app marketing terms. In case you want to add something, let us know in comments. We’ll be pleased to hear from you.

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