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7 Obvious Ways To Make Your Users Delete Your App


The mobile universe is a vast arena with an ever-increasing competition! You either make your mark or you either leave! And not to forget, you get a single chance!


Here we have listed some reasons which make your fading away a faster process in this app developer world.

1.Too many Payments


Making your users pay for the very basic of services, is a big drawback. Why will they pay for your service if they get the same, for free, somewhere else? So, think what you have in different and think about what they need! If they need it and don't get it somewhere else, maybe they may get ready to pay you some bucks. But for this as well, you have to attach baits, allure them with some services which you provide for free like for example making available a background musical or two, but make them pay for the whole playlist or the download option. Give away a basic version, while making them pay for the pro version of the same!

2. The Glitchy Functionality

If your app is a sick piece of creation, you better not venture to launch it. Too many freezes and crashes take away the whole charm out of your app in a matter of seconds. This is a lethal characteristic. The user may be rendered into deleting the app, even if its usable to him.

3. Frequent Notifications

Budging your app users every few minutes is not at all a nice option. Don't pull away from the charm from your product by overexposing it. Don't let your users get bored.

4. Frequent Review Requests

If they really feel like reviewing it, they will themselves open up the app store and type legions in your glory. But if they don't want to, then sending them those review requests is not only annoying but may turn out dangerous for your app's existence.

5. Too Many Ads


Ads are important, but so is their strategic positioning. If they turn out to be annoying, you may have to leave by the back door.

6. Asking for Too Much Personal Information

Registrations are an important process, where you ask for some important details of the user. But imagine filling up long forms of boring information! This surely sucks! Why not provide a 'Login with Facebook' option. Statistics have it that 95% people go for clicking a single button than to being having put into filling forms.

7. Ugly UIs

Your app is a rock star. Giving a nice face value to your rock star means tons to its popularity. It should stand out from the crowd and at the same, should be approachable. Ugly user interface simply doesn't work.

These are some top reasons app developers provide their users to make them quit as soon as possible. Hope you are not being one of them.

We, at Applify make sure you don't make any such mistakes while going up with your app! So, come dropping your projects at Applify and get the best of Mobile App, ever made!


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